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OoshTush's Guide To Your 10 Step Korean Skincare Routine

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Link to article: 10 Step Skincare Routine — OoshTush K-Beauty

When it comes to skincare regimens, the 10-step Korean skincare routine (curated by Soko Glam) takes the cake. This skin-centric, scientifically-backed lifestyle delivers mind-boggling results — inspiring fierce devotion from beauty enthusiasts around the world. Call it a cultural trend-turned-global phenomenon.

While ten steps seem like a lot for most people, the process is more straightforward than it sounds. It’s all about finding the right products that work for your skin and layering them in a streamlined, orderly manner.

Makeup and Oil Cleansers

First and foremost, it is essential to treat beauty as art. Your skin is your canvas.

Before applying your products, you should work with a clean slate. Oil cleansers are the foundation of K-beauty. They break down oil-based debris (makeup, SPF, pollution) while gently priming your skin for a more intensive wash later on.

To use an oil cleanser, simply massage the product in circular motions. Apply a touch of lukewarm water, then rinse once done.<

Water-based Cleansers

The second step of the double-cleanse is to use a water-based cleanser such as a foam one. While the oil-cleanse effectively washes away oils, it should still leave sweat and dirt on the face. A water-cleanse removes the impurities your oil cleanser left behind, thus preventing breakouts.

To use a foam cleanser, apply the product onto wet skin. Gently massage in circular motions, then rinse with lukewarm water.


A good exfoliator (either physical or chemical) cleans out clogged pores and sloughs off dead skin cells to reveal the radiant glow underneath. Exfoliating your skin regularly also makes it easier for your skin to absorb the other skincare products you’ll be applying.

People with sensitive skin should exfoliate once a week. Those with less sensitive skin can get away with 1-2 gentle exfoliations a week. When exfoliating, pay particular attention to problematic areas such as the nose and the cheeks.


Cleansing leaves the skin in a delicate state. By toning your face with a toner, you’re re-introducing moisture and recalibrating skin pH, while also removing any residue from your cleanser. Toners essentially restore the natural skin barrier - priming it for more intensive hydration.

Toners are easy to use. You can either use a cotton round or your bare hands to apply the product. Go easy on the patting as you don’t want to aggravate your skin further.


At the heart of the Korean skincare ritual is the essence. For starters, essences are lightweight products that are packed with hydrating, complexion-correcting ingredients to aid in cellular turnover.

Sprinkle the product onto your palms and gently massage it all over your face and neck.


Treatments refer to a broad category of products, including serums, boosters, and ampoules. Here is where you get a little creative, as your treatment should depend on your specific skin issue. Ultimately, a treatment perfects your skin with intensely rejuvenating ingredients (e.g., Vitamin C, tea tree oil, BHAs, AHAs).

To use a treatment, gently dab the product on problem areas.

Sheet Mask

Perhaps the most ubiquitous product in the lineup, the sheet mask remains quintessential to the Korean skincare regime. What makes sheet masks so special is that they efficiently trap nutrients and moisture to allow enough time for your skin to absorb all the good stuff. Plus, what’s not to love about an excuse to sit back, meditate, and relax?

Smooth the mask onto the skin and leave for about 15-20 minutes. Use one as frequently as you like.

Eye Cream

Eye creams are professionally formulated to address fine lines, dark circles, and puffiness. A unique product for your under-eye area takes into consideration the fact that the skin under your eyes is thin and delicate. Regular use of eye cream will surely leave you amazed at your youthfulness.

The best way to apply eye cream is to use the ring finger. Be extra gentle when tapping (no rubbing!) around the entire orbital bone.


You’re almost done! After all the products you’ve applied, an extra layer of moisturizer may sound excessive. Trust us: it’s not.

The primary goal of your moisturizer is to seal in all the layers underneath it. By creating a fortifying barrier, a good moisturizer should allow all the luscious ingredients to intermingle with one another – thus ultimately rejuvenating the skin.

Simply pat your moisturizer into the face and neck area.

Sun Protection

The final step to being beautiful is sunscreen. Wear your SPF every day, even if you’ll be staying indoors! It’s the best way to prevent skin damage and premature aging, not to mention skin cancer.

Gently pat your sunscreen on the face and neck. Remember to re-apply once every 2-3 hours for maximum protection.

Pro tip: look for sunscreens with titanium dioxide or zinc oxide. These ingredients are the best SPFs out there.